About Us
The Society of Family Lawyers (SOFL) is a professional group of family attorneys whose mission is to discuss and share information about the latest in family law. We are open to all attorneys who are interested; no complicated application or sponsorship is required. Our meetings are generally held each month at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee, WI. Our meetings typically feature a quality presentation by a guest speaker on a topic of interest to family lawyers paired with a meal and social time with colleagues. CLE credit is granted for nearly all presentations.
The Society of Family Lawyers was founded in 1984 by local Milwaukee attorneys Mark J. Ratke and Gregg M. Herman. Mark and Gregg formed the group to create a forum for family law attorneys to meet monthly to discuss and exchange information, without the prerequisites of more formal groups. The first meetings took place at the Ambassador Hotel in Milwaukee, with six members in attendance. In 2019, SOFL merged with the Leander J. Foley Inns of Court chapter to form our current organization, The Leander J. Foley Society of Family Lawyers.
Law Firms
Our Board

Nidhi Kashyap
Vice President
Circuit Court Judge, Milwaukee County

Maureen Black
Attorney at Karp/Iancu

Ann Hetzel
Attorney at Milwaukee County office of Child Support Services

Jane Carrig
Attorney at La Fleur Law

Chelsea Fischer
Staff attorney at Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee

Kathryn Potratz
Attorney at Karp & Iancu

Robert Arthur
Attorney, Arthur Law Office